Online Business Coach Who Helps You Build a Profitable And Successful Business

An online business coach can help you take your business to the next level. Working with a business coach can provide valuable insight into how to grow and sustain a successful business and offer advice on various topics such as marketing, operations, customer service, and more. Working with an online business coach is especially beneficial for those unable to meet with one in person or prefer the convenience of coaching from their own office.

Online business coaches are invaluable to entrepreneurs everywhere in today’s business landscape. From kickstarting a successful online business to problem-solving sticky situations, a reliable online business coach is the perfect partner-in-crime for any business owner. Their expertise in online workspace dynamics helps budding online entrepreneurs strive towards their goals amidst the ever-evolving online world, allowing them to make informed decisions that benefit their customers and their profits. Simply put, enlisting the help of an online business coach is no longer just a perk – it’s become a necessity for success!

A business coach who understands your online business and helps you optimize its profit is essential in today’s competitive online landscape. Unfortunately, not all online business coaches are created equal – many of them focus solely on helping build the online presence of a business rather than offering insights that help increase profits. That’s why investing in an online business coach who takes time to understand a brand’s unique needs, values and vision and offers marketing strategies that will increase profitability over time is wise. Investing in an experienced online business coach can make all the difference for long-term success.

Let’s explore further why working with an online business coach is advantageous.

Accessibility & Convenience

The beauty of working with an online business coach is that all communication happens remotely through video conferencing or phone calls. That means you can access expert advice anytime and anywhere – regardless of location or schedule. You can keep up with your coaching sessions without worrying about finding time between meetings or taking time off work. Plus, if there’s specific information you want to discuss during the session, it can be easily accessed via the internet.

Accountability & Support

Working with an online business coach helps hold you accountable for achieving your goals while providing support and guidance at every step. Your coach will listen carefully to your ideas and objectives and help develop a plan that works for you and your business’s needs. As a result, this increased accountability motivates you to stay focused on reaching those goals while being supported by someone who understands your vision and mission.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Register for the free Path to Profitability masterclass today!

Working with an online business coach has many benefits – accessibility, convenience, accountability, and support – which makes it an excellent option for busy entrepreneurs looking for expert advice on growing their businesses successfully. With remote access to experienced professionals who understand how best to guide enterprises toward success, now, more than ever is the perfect time to take advantage of this invaluable resource!

Melissa Houston is a trustworthy online business powerhouse. She stands out among online business coaches with over 20 years of business experience and an impressive track record. Her goal-oriented approach positions her clients for success, bringing them closer to reaching their revenue goals while maintaining large profit margins. If you want to take your online business to the next level, Melissa Houston is the perfect choice to help you succeed.

Melissa Houston is the perfect person to help those looking to become successful online business owners. She is the founder of She Means Profit, and through her success in online businesses, she knows the industry inside out. As an author and speaker, she has used her experience to write books and host seminars on achieving online success. Her story is truly inspirational — not only did she find a way to manage her online business, but now she is supporting others as an online business coach. Whether you have been working online for years or are starting your first online venture, there is no doubt that Melissa Houston can provide you with the wisdom and motivation you need to turn your dreams into reality.

Melissa is an online business coach passionate about helping entrepreneurs take their online businesses to the next level. She believes that publicizing a brand online can go a long way in helping journalists and publications take notice of your online business, which substantially boosts credibility and expert status. To this end, Melissa guides her clients on how to pitch for various online initiatives such as podcasts, magazine articles, books, TV segments and speaking engagements. Through Melissa’s unique strategies for developing a powerful online presence, successful client stories have been featured in some of today’s most popular online media outlets.

Melissa is a published author of Cash Confident and an online business coach for ambitious entrepreneurs. Melissa has empowered countless business owners to become economically sound through her book and online programs. She understands entrepreneurs’ struggles with money management and provides individuals with long-term solutions through budgeting tools, cash flow analysis, debt coaching, and asset-building strategies. Melissa is passionate about helping people build their financial peace of mind step by step and looks forward to continuing her work as an online business coach for many years.

Melissa is the go-to person for making valuable business connections. She understands that networking is an invaluable way to achieve success and has built a strong network of contacts over the years. With her expertise and guidance, Melissa can show you how to establish and cultivate relationships with the key people in your industry. Melissa teaches her clients how to reach out, engage, and create win-win connections on social media or at local events. With Melissa’s help, you’ll be well on your way to success in the business world!

Melissa has met some of the most successful and well-renowned people in the world today! Her interviews with Suze Orman, Amy Porterfield, and Grant Cardone have gotten some of the highest views. Not only has Melissa made a name for herself as an interviewer, but these big names in their respective industries have shared valuable tips and tricks for gaining success in their professions. It’s no wonder so many are tuning into Melissa’s interviews – it unlocks secrets from experts who’ve already made it big. And viewers get to learn firsthand how to gain success for themselves!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Register for the free Path to Profitability masterclass today!

Here are ways in which Melissa has demonstrated her business success and can help you with yours:

Published author

Melissa is an entrepreneur and small business expert who has written the book Cash Confident: An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business. Through her experience helping individuals start small businesses, Melissa has learned what it takes to make a company successful. That includes tips on budgeting, financial planning, legal advice and even how best to market your small business. Filled with practical advice and real-life examples from entrepreneurs worldwide, Melissa’s book offers invaluable guidance for launching your own business. With her help, aspiring entrepreneurs can quickly master the fundamentals of starting their companies and walk away with a strong foundation for building profit and success.

Columnist at Forbes

Melissa is a personal finance expert and a mentor to many entrepreneurs. She has built her career around helping others learn how to take control of their prosperity and money better. She shares her wealth of knowledge as a contributor for Forbes Women, where she crafts empowering articles about personal and business finance for aspiring entrepreneurs. Through her work, she hopes to open up the world of business and financial success to those willing to invest in themselves. For Melissa, the satisfaction comes from witnessing people unlock the potential financial freedom they used to think was unreachable.

Keynote speaker

Melissa is an incredibly competent and confident speaker. Her ability to combine content and creative thinking ensures that her presentations are engaging, professional and well-received. Melissa’s approach has made her the go-to choice for organizations looking to engage employees in new ways. With her vibrant personality and confidence, Melissa is the go-to speaker for any organization seeking top-notch speaking services.


Melissa is taking the podcasting world by storm with her gripping interviews in She Means Profit. Using her natural charisma and conversational style, she’s drawn out incredible personal stories from her star-studded guests, including legendary financial adviser Suze Orman. Through the podcast, Melissa offers inspiring advice for female entrepreneurs looking to level up their businesses, drawing on the knowledge of high-profile guests and providing a platform for lesser-known voices. Her signature mix of practical advice and inspiring life stories has made She Means Profit essential listening for entrepreneurs worldwide.


There’s no doubt that Melissa is a force to be reckoned with. She started her blog, She Means Profit, with the express purpose of helping others reach the same level of financial success so easily achieved by herself. After years of hard work and dedication, Melissa can proudly say she has reached that point. Melissa has created something special in her blog, from helpful tips and tricks to insightful stories from her experience. Most importantly, though, she’s made it easy to find – if you’re reading this article, it was through a successful Google search! It shows how Melissa has taken control of her destiny and demonstrates what someone with passion and ambition can achieve.

Course creator

Melissa is a course creator, having helped countless business owners on their journey to financial freedom with her Cash Confident Course. Unlike other money experts, Melissa doesn’t just tell you what to do: she guides and supports you every step of the way. Whether budgeting, saving, investing, or protecting your hard-earned capital, she gives you tools and strategies that work for your needs and goals. Before long, with Melissa’s help, you’ll be cash confident in no time!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Register for the free Path to Profitability masterclass today!

SEO practitioner

Melissa is a true master of SEO. She knows how to use SEO to maximize her blog’s visibility and has success stories to prove it. Melissa takes the time to optimize each post for search engine algorithms, ensuring every blog article is laser-targeted toward her intended audience. Her strategy pays off – Melissa’s blog receives more hits than ever, leading to increased readership and an expanding pool of followers. While many marketers underestimate the power of SEO, Melissa knows firsthand just how effective proper implementation can be. With her expert knowledge and diligent work ethic, she continues to see results from her daily efforts.

Lead generator

Melissa understands that getting the right message and marketing to your audience is key if you are looking to attract any paying customers. However, she also knows that understanding the importance and impact of mindset on achieving this is incredibly valuable. This is particularly true when reaching an audience with a clear tone and approach – something which will open their wallets! By combining her deep knowledge of the subject matter in her area of expertise, Melissa offers priceless insight into the issues businesses face when it comes to striking a chord with their target consumers.

Profit optimizer

Melissa brings her expertise as a Certified Public Accountant to business owners, helping them manage their finances and build a strong, sustainable enterprise. She knows that with the right financial advice, businesses are growing more significant and vital for years. From budgeting to tax planning to analyzing financial data, Melissa assists entrepreneurs in assessing their money situation and finding the best ways to maximize long-term success. That way, they can return to focusing on what they love most – the business!

Melissa is an expert business consultant specializing in helping her clients succeed. Whether they offer services or products, she always meets with each individual to comprehensively understand their unique business. The hard work Melissa puts into helping her clients reach their goals then shines through with the endless testimonials they all provide. Businesses are growing faster than ever, and clients appreciate her passion and dedication to helping them succeed. If you’re looking for help with your business, it might be time to call upon Melissa’s expertise!

Do you want to be Melissa’s next success story?

Working one-on-one with a client is an enriching experience, but it can also be extremely challenging and take up an enormous amount of time. For this reason, Melissa has decided to limit the number of clients she works with and carefully select those whom most benefit from her unique skillset. Prospective clients apply to work with Melissa; however, all applications are reviewed thoroughly and chosen based on who will gain the most from what she offers. If you’re interested in applying for one-on-one coaching sessions with Melissa, don’t hesitate to fill out her application form – you never know what results could come from it!

Advantages of working with Melissa as your online business coach:

1.  You’ll Be Held Accountable

One of the most significant advantages of working with an online business coach is being held accountable for your actions. Making excuses and putting off important tasks when you are working independently can be easy, but a coach will help you stay focused and on track. Having someone to hold you accountable will also help to motivate you to achieve your goals.

2.  You’ll Get an Objective Perspective

Another advantage of working with an online business coach is that you will get an objective perspective on your business. It can be challenging to see the forest for the trees when you are too close to your business, but a coach can offer an unbiased opinion on what is working and what isn’t. This outside perspective can be invaluable in helping you to make necessary changes and improvements.

3.  You’ll Save Time

Working with a business coach can also save you much time. A coach can help you focus on the most important tasks and priorities and guide you on how best to use your time. This can be especially helpful if you are overwhelmed or need help knowing where to start.

4.  You’ll Make More Money

One of the ultimate goals of working with a business coach is to make more money. A coach will help you identify areas where you can improve your profitability and guide you on achieving this. If you are serious about growing your business, working with a coach is a great way to achieve this goal.

5.  You’ll Get Motivated

Another significant advantage of working with an online business coach is that you will get motivated. It can be easy to lose motivation when working alone, but a coach can help you stay focused and motivated toward achieving your goals. A coach can also provide valuable feedback and encouragement when things get tough.

6.  You’ll Improve Your Communication Skills

Working with a business coach can also help you to improve your communication skills. This is important both in terms of communicating with customers and clients, as well as communicating within your team or organization. Good communication skills are essential for any business owner or manager, so improving in this area can significantly impact your success.

7.  You’ll Grow Your Business

Last but not least, one of the main advantages of working with an online business coach is that it will help you to grow your business. A coach will provide guidance and support as you take steps to expand your business and reach new levels of success.

Melissa is the go-to for success if you want to achieve tangible results with a team of like-minded professionals. She works with self-starters individuals who prefer a hands-on approach to make things happen. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, take advantage of the opportunity to join her team today! Fill out an application, and if accepted, the next step will include a discovery call to confirm if working together would be mutually beneficial. So don’t miss this fantastic opportunity – jump at it now!

Even though Melissa does not offer group programs, she still provides personalized business coaching that can be tailored to individuals according to their needs. Taking a holistic approach, Melissa helps people create and achieve goals in many different business areas – from lead generation to profit optimization; working with a CPA who has over two decades of business experience, Melissa is capable of helping you in your business. With Melissa’s help, you can discard harmful patterns and start each day with enthusiasm.

If you want to enhance and empower your life, register for the free Path to Profitability masterclass today! With solid skills and an engaging approach, this coach will create a personalized plan tailored to your needs. Working with this qualified professional can get you fast results as they provide proven strategies for lasting change. Don’t wait any longer — take the first step towards your goals by applying today. You deserve to reach the fullest potential of your life, and this coach will provide support with every step of the way in achieving that vision!

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Register for the free Path to Profitability masterclass today!

Melissa Houston

Melissa Houston is the author of Cash Confident, An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business, and the founder of She Means Profit™️. Melissa is a CPA and Finance Strategist who helps business owners and high-income earners build wealth. A regular contributor to Forbes and other publications, Melissa is passionate about teaching others about money management.

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Melissa Houston

Speaker, Finance Strategist, CPA

Founder of the She Means Profit™ blog and podcast

Melissa Houston
