Money Mindset Books To Help You With Your Business
Having a positive money mindset as a business owner is important to ensure you are being the best business owner you can possibly be. When you have money mindset blocks it can keep you in debt, less profitable in your business, and more stressed out with your finances due to your negative relationship with money.
Positive money mindsets can put you in growth mode, and ultimately change your vision for your business and want to turn your business into a profit-making machine. I have found money mindset books to be valuable reads and reminders of how essential mindset is for business owners.
What is money mindset?
Money mindset is your encompassing attitudes and beliefs around money. Everyone has a money story, and it can form as early as your earliest childhood memories. These memories help form your attitudes and beliefs around money.
A few common money stories people can relate to:
“I’m no good with money.”
“I’ll always be in debt.”
“There’s never enough money.”
“Being rich is greedy.”

When you are telling yourself stories like that you believe them, and when you believe them it limits your capacity to create profit in your business. There is no reason to feel shame for wanting more from your business or to have big financial goals in life. If you want more money for you to enjoy and you are making money honestly, there are no reasons to feel bad about that.
Nobody can tell you that you don’t deserve more. If you want more, go for it!
Why a positive money mindset is important
When you are a business owner who wants to create massive wealth through your business you need to be clear of any mindset blocks you may have. It isn’t enough to just say that you want to create wealth, you need to believe that you are worthy of having wealth in your life.
Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset
To have a scarcity mindset is to limit yourself. When you live in scarcity you believe there isn’t enough and will never be enough money. The good news is that you can move from a scarcity to an abundant mindset provided you are willing to recognize the mindset issue and make changes towards building a healthier mindset.
To have an abundant mindset is to understand that there is plenty of money in the world for everyone, and that there is enough for you as well. Successful people understand that there is enough wealth for everyone, and they often make an effort to share that wealth through helping others achieve what they have. They don’t feel threatened that someone may want to take their piece of the pie, they offer a slice. Sharing and helping others is gratifying and those with a growth mindset understand that.

How our money choices affect our business
What most don’t realize is when you have a negative relationship with money it carries into how you manage your business. Negative money mindset can hold you back in your business. If you have a negative relationship with money, always spend and never save, are always in debt, and fear money, these are types of issues that interfere with you creating wealth for yourself and your business.
Money mindset books that you may enjoy
I have spent time working on my own money mindset and regularly checking in with it to ensure I am allowing myself the wealth into my life. I’d like to share with you some books that have resonated with me.
We Should All Be Millionaires – Rachel Rodgers
I like this book because Rodgers encourages all women to create big financial dreams for themselves and I feel that she truly believes it is possible for all women (to which I agree wholeheartedly).
I Heart My Life – Emily Williams
I love how Williams talks about all the facets of being a business owner that helps you create wealth for yourself.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind – T. Harv Eker
I enjoy the points and examples Eker leaves the reader with in how both the negative and positive mindset affects the reader. Eker uses great examples of how to improve your mindset and make room for wealth in your life.
You Are A Badass At Making Money – Jen Sincero
Who doesn’t love Sincero’s direct and gentle approach to helping you create wealth for yourself? I find this listen is a great pick-me-up when I start questioning my ability to generate more for myself. I hope you get inspired too.
There are many books out there that help you align your money mindset with your financial goals. I have listed my top favourites but maybe you have some to share as well? I’d love to hear about them!
The bottom line is that mindset is important for business owners, and money mindset should not be forgotten about as it is an integral part of being a business owner. You should feel no shame or guilt in wanting to create a profitable business for yourself so you can enjoy that wealth and design the life that you want to live.
Checking in with your money mindset regularly will ensure that you are removing money mindset blocks and moving into a growth mindset so that you can not only grow your business, but grow your wealth as well.
Are you ready to elevate your money mindset? Register for the Cash Confident Mindset course today!