I Make Good Money, So Why Am I Broke All The Time?

Many professionals and business owners are left wondering why you make good money, yet why am I broke all the time? There never seems to be enough money.

We invest much time and effort into our work as professionals and business owners. We hone our skills, and network, and create opportunities for ourselves. However, we’re often left scratching our heads at the end of the day, wondering why we’re not seeing the expected results.

Despite our good money, we still find ourselves short on funds, struggling to make ends meet. It’s a frustrating predicament that many of us find ourselves in, but it doesn’t have to be this way. By taking a closer look at our spending habits and prioritizing our financial goals, we can start to make smarter choices with our money and pave the way to a more stable future. So, let’s dive in and explore some strategies for breaking the “broke all the time” cycle and achieving true financial success.

It is a common misconception that once you start earning a good income, all your financial problems will disappear. But reality hits hard when you realize that it is not the case. Many people who earn a good income often struggle to manage their finances and end up broke. It happens to the best of us, but it is essential to identify the reasons for this problem before it is too late.

Let’s explore possible reasons hindering your financial growth and stability even when you have a good income.


Have you ever had that moment where you look at your bank account and wonder where all your money went? It’s a sinking feeling, knowing that you should have more in your account, but you’re barely scraping by. The culprit? Overspending. If you want to improve your financial well-being, it’s important to identify why you keep overspending. Not only does overspending keep you broke, and prevents you from achieving your financial goals. So the next time you’re tempted to make an unnecessary purchase, remember you’re only sabotaging your financial future.

One of the most significant reasons many people who earn a good income struggle financially is overspending. It is easy to get carried away when you have a lot of money, but it is crucial to maintain your financial discipline. It is essential to set a budget and stick to it strictly. Taking control of your finances by sorting your expenses can help you save for your future.

Lack of financial education

In today’s world, financial literacy is more important than ever before. Sadly, most education systems focus on academic learning and rarely give adequate education on personal finance. This leaves many students ill-equipped to make informed decisions on investing, taxes, and other financial issues. As a result, many people stumble into costly mistakes that they could have avoided without the proper education.

Therefore, individuals must proactively develop financial literacy to make more informed decisions. By educating ourselves on budgeting, saving, investing, and credit management, we can gain the knowledge and skills to make smart decisions that will benefit us in the long run. Not only will this help us avoid costly mistakes, but it can also provide us with a sense of empowerment and control over our financial futures.

So if you want to reduce your financial stress and build a more secure future, start by investing in your knowledge and education today.

Ignoring debt

Ignoring debt is like playing with fire – you will get burned sooner or later. High-interest rates cause the balances on loans and credit cards to skyrocket; without prompt payment, the debts can quickly become unmanageable. Trust us; we get it – it can be tempting to ignore that creeping sense of unease and hide from bills, but the consequences of this decision can lead to financial chaos. So, let’s make a deal. We will help you create a financial plan to pay off your debts without emptying your pockets, and in turn, you can help yourself to some financial freedom. By being disciplined with your finances and prioritizing payments of loans and credit card bills, you can finally end the sleepless nights and welcome a brighter financial future ahead.

Poor investment decisions

When investing, the allure of high returns can be hard to resist, especially when you have a high income. However, it pays to be cautious and thoughtful before risking your hard-earned money. While there’s no such thing as a sure thing in the investing world, taking on too much risk can lead to financial disaster. Before making significant investment decisions, you must do your homework and get expert advice from financial advisors who can help guide you toward sound investments that align with your goals and risk tolerance. Investing is a long-term game; patience and strategy are key to building wealth over time.

Inadequate planning

Have you ever found yourself struggling to keep up with your high-income earnings? It’s a common misconception that having a larger salary means financial stability, but the truth is that without proper planning, even the wealthiest individuals can find themselves in financial trouble. The key to avoiding this is clearly understanding your financial situation, identifying your goals and objectives, and planning to achieve them. This may involve making and sticking to savings and budget plans, but the result will be financial stability and peace of mind. So take the time to plan now and reap the benefits in the future.

Are you ready to create a brighter financial future? Register for the Cash Catalyst course to get started today!

You don’t make enough money

Financial troubles can happen to anyone, regardless of how much you earn. However, for those who make a high income, it can be tempting to live in the moment and spend money without much thought. Unfortunately, this lack of planning can lead to financial troubles and even ruin. That’s why it’s important to clearly understand your financial situation and identify your goals and objectives. This allows you to plan your expenses and make the necessary savings and budget plans to achieve those goals. By taking control of your finances and sticking to your plans, you can achieve financial stability and enjoy the freedom that comes with it. So, whether you’re a high-income earner or not, it’s never too late to start planning and taking control of your financial future.

You don’t have a budget

Managing your finances can be challenging, especially if you don’t have a budget. Without a clear understanding of your income and expenses, it’s easy to overspend and find yourself in financial trouble. That’s where a budget comes in handy. By creating a budget, you can take control of your finances and ensure you’re putting your money where it matters most. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to fine-tune your existing financial plan, countless resources are available to help you create a budget that works for you. There’s no shortage of guidance from online tools to financial advisors when developing a smart financial strategy. So why wait? Take control of your finances and start building a better tomorrow today.

You don’t save enough money

Saving money is one of those things that we all know we should be doing, but it’s not always easy to put into practice. However, if you’re not regularly setting aside some funds, you could be heading toward a financially difficult situation sooner than you think. Emergencies happen, whether unexpected medical bills or car repairs, so it’s crucial to have a cushion of savings to fall back on. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Start planning today to save a little bit each month and build up your financial safety net – you’ll be glad you did.

You have too much debt

You’re not alone if you feel weighed down by a mountain of debt. It’s common to feel like you’re treading water to keep up with monthly payments. But the good news is that you can take control of your financial future by creating a plan to pay off your debt. It won’t be easy and may require tough choices, but it’s worth it. Imagine a life without the constant stress of debt — a life where you can focus on your goals and dreams without the burden of financial worries. With dedication and discipline, you can make that a reality. So don’t wait any longer. Start taking steps today to become debt-free and create a brighter future for yourself.

You eat out too much

Are you tired of feeling like you’re breaking the bank every time you go out to eat? You’re not alone. The average American spends a staggering $3,000 a year on dining out. That amount may seem small, but it adds up quickly. What if I told you you could save over $2,000 yearly by cooking at home more often? You will save money and have the opportunity to experiment with new recipes and create healthy, homemade meals for yourself and your loved ones. So why not give it a shot? Your wallet and your taste buds will thank you.

You’re not investing in your retirement

Retirement may seem like a distant dream, but investing in it should be a priority, especially when it can be one of the best ways to grow your wealth over time. While it may seem daunting to start planning your golden years, the potential payoff is undeniable. Consider this simple example; if you invest $500 per month for 40 years and earn an 8% return, you’ll have over $2 million to fund your retirement. That sizable chunk of change can give you the financial security you deserve. So, don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to secure your financial future – start investing in your retirement goals today!

Are you ready to create a brighter financial future? Register for the Cash Catalyst course to get started today!

You’re making bad financial decisions

Being broke is tough, especially if it happens frequently. While there are many reasons why this can happen, one of the biggest culprits could be bad financial decisions. That means you might be taking out loans with high-interest rates or using credit cards irresponsibly. While it might seem convenient or even necessary at the time, these actions can quickly spiral out of control and leave you wondering how you’ll make ends meet next week, let alone next month. The good news is that recognizing the problem is the first step towards fixing it, and plenty of resources are out there to help you gain control of your finances and start making better decisions going forward.

Money management can feel overwhelming, especially when you don’t know where to begin. But if you are making financial mistakes, don’t beat yourself up! It’s not your fault. Most of us never received formal education on managing our finances, so it’s easy to fall into common money pitfalls.

Don’t worry; you are here now, which means you are ready to make financial changes. Many resources are available to help you get started on the right path. She Means Profit™ helps high-income earners and business owners understand their money so they can make money with their money.

Whether seeking advice from a coach or taking online courses on budgeting and other financial steps, remember that it’s never too late to learn the skills needed to take control of your finances.

When saving money, most people focus on cutting expenses and increasing income. While these are important strategies, another key element often gets overlooked – good money management skills. If you don’t have strong financial habits and practices, you’ll likely struggle to build and maintain savings over the long term.

Money management skills are like the GPS of your finances – they keep you on track, help you navigate unexpected detours, and ultimately lead you to your intended destination. Whether saving for a rainy day or planning for retirement, managing your money can make all the difference.

Without money management skills, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily expenses and lose sight of your long-term goals. But with good money management skills, you can take control of your finances and chart a course toward financial security.

So, if you want to save money and build a solid financial future, developing and refining your money management skills is critical. Not only will you be better prepared to weather any financial storms that come your way, but you’ll also be able to enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re in control of your financial destiny.

Are you ready to create a brighter financial future? Register for the Cash Catalyst course to get started today!

Now let’s explore some practical tips and strategies you can use to develop these skills and improve your financial situation.

1. Mindset

Money management is an essential life skill, but it takes more than just basic knowledge to achieve financial security. Good money management requires a strong mindset that encompasses discipline, patience, and sacrifice. It’s about being willing to forego immediate gratification for long-term gain and understanding that our financial circumstances can change over time. Developing such a mindset is no easy task, but plenty of courses, books, and resources are available to help. As we learn and adapt to our financial situations, we become more adept at managing our money and realizing our long-term financial goals.

Money mindset and self-worth are two intertwined concepts in our lives; when one is rocky, the other pillar is bound to crumble. As a coach, I have seen firsthand how most clients struggle with these two issues. Seeing how limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can hold someone back from creating a financially stable future is disheartening. Tackling these deep-rooted issues does not have a one-size-fits-all solution, but through tailored guidance and support, I have seen amazing transformations in people’s lives. If you’re struggling with your money mindset and self-worth, know you are not alone. You can gain control over your finances and live a fulfilling life. Let’s work together to rewrite your story today.

2. Budgeting

Managing your finances can sometimes feel overwhelming, but effective budgeting can make all the difference. It’s the cornerstone of money management and empowers you to control your finances. With a good budget, you can easily track your expenses and income and decide where to cut back or invest. The key is ensuring your budget is realistic and based on your expenses and income. It should also account for short- and long-term goals, ensuring you’re always moving in the right direction. Luckily, plenty of tools are available to help you along the way, whether it’s Excel, online budgeting apps, or any other software that works for you. With the right approach, you can master the art of effective budgeting and confidently achieve your financial goals.

3. Debt management

Debt can cast a long shadow on our financial lives. Whether it’s student loans, credit card balances, or car payments, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by mounting obligations. But the good news is that with the right techniques, you can take control of your debt and pave the way to a more stable financial future. This starts with understanding your debt – the interest rates, minimum payments, and how much you owe on each account. From there, you can develop a plan for paying it off as quickly as possible. Whether you opt for debt consolidation, negotiate for lower interest rates, or prioritize high-interest debt, there are numerous strategies you can use.

Debt can suffocate and restrict you from living the life you truly deserve. However, taking control of your finances can lead to a sense of liberation and empowerment that will help you achieve your goals. It all begins with a solid and practical debt repayment plan. With a strategy in place, you can actively tackle your debt and start chipping away at the balance. Whether you decide to consolidate your payments or create a strict budget, every step will bring you closer to financial freedom. Don’t let debt hold you back any longer – it’s time to take charge of your finances and build the life you want.

4. Saving

Saving money is a critical step in securing your financial future. Once you’ve sorted your budget, it’s time to start prioritizing your savings. Building an emergency fund is a great first step, ensuring you’ll have a safety net when needed. From there, it’s all about setting long-term goals like buying a home or planning retirement. It’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed when it comes to saving but don’t let that discourage you. There are plenty of strategies out there that can help make the process easier. One of the simplest is automating transfers to a savings account so you’re never tempted to skip a month. You can also look for ways to reduce expenses without sacrificing quality of life. With a little creativity and perseverance, you can make your money work harder for you and achieve your financial goals in no time.

Are you ready to create a brighter financial future? Register for the Cash Catalyst course to get started today!

5. Investing

Investing is more than just a simple transaction; it’s a powerful tool to grow your money over time. However, it requires a certain level of money management skills to be successful. This means understanding the risks and benefits of different investment options, setting clear investment goals, and diversifying your portfolio. With so many different investment options and strategies, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the thought of investing. But fear not. Many resources, including financial advisors and online investment platforms, are available to help you navigate the investment waters. With a little research and the right mindset, investing can be a powerful tool for achieving your financial goals.

Saving money isn’t just about cutting expenses or earning more income. It’s also about developing good money management skills that allow you to make the most of your resources and build a solid financial foundation for the future. By prioritizing budgeting, saving, debt management, investing, and mindset development, you can take control of your financial situation and achieve your goals. So why not start today? With the right approach and tools, you can develop the skills to save, invest, and achieve financial freedom.

Taking control of your finances isn’t always easy, but the feeling of empowerment that results is worth it. Imagine knowing where your money goes each month and making intentional decisions. No more living paycheck to paycheck or stressing about unexpected expenses. You have the power to save and invest in your future with confidence. Taking control of your finances isn’t just about the dollars and cents; it’s about taking control of your life. When you have financial stability, you can focus on what’s truly important to you, whether travelling the world, starting a family, or pursuing your dream career. Being financially empowered is a game changer and can open doors you never thought possible. So start today and take control of your financial future. The possibilities are endless!

The bottom line is that being broke can be frustrating and demotivating, even when you earn a good income. However, the problem is not always the lack of money but poor financial management. Overspending, poor investment decisions, inadequate planning, lack of financial education, and ignoring debt are common reasons people with high incomes are broke. Finding solutions to these problems and working toward financial stability requires patience, diligence, and discipline. Learning about personal finance, managing expenses, and saving money will help you maintain a good lifestyle while achieving all your financial goals.

Ready to take control of your financial future? You’ve come to the right place! With the Cash Catalyst course, you’ll have everything you need to kickstart your journey toward financial empowerment. This pack has everything from saving money and budgeting effectively to advice on building credit and managing debt.

So why wait? Sign up today!

Are you ready to create a brighter financial future? Register for the Cash Catalyst course to get started today!

Melissa Houston

Melissa Houston is the author of Cash Confident, An Entrepreneur’s Guide to Creating a Profitable Business, and the founder of She Means Profit™️. Melissa is a CPA and Finance Strategist who helps business owners and high-income earners build wealth. A regular contributor to Forbes and other publications, Melissa is passionate about teaching others about money management.

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Melissa Houston

Speaker, Finance Strategist, CPA

Founder of the She Means Profit™ blog and podcast

Melissa Houston
